Fee Based Investments

Fee Based Investments

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Fee Based Investments & Plans

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Financial Planning Services
Our fee-for-plan program will equip you with the tools to provide clients with customized financial plans to help meet their individual needs.

Fee-based investments can offer several benefits to our clients:

Transparency: Fee-based advisors typically charge a percentage of assets under management (AUM) or an hourly fee. This fee structure is often transparent, making it easier for clients to understand what they're paying for and how much they're paying.

Alignment of Interests: Fee-based advisors have a vested interest in growing their clients' portfolios since their compensation is tied to the performance of those investments. This alignment of interests can provide clients with a sense of confidence that their advisor is working in their best interest.

Objective Advice: Because fee-based advisors are not compensated through commissions on specific investment products, they may be less biased in their recommendations. This can result in more objective advice tailored to the client's financial goals and risk tolerance.

Customized Solutions: Fee-based advisors often offer more personalized investment solutions tailored to the individual needs of their clients. They may have access to a wider range of investment options and strategies, allowing them to create portfolios that align with the client's specific financial situation and objectives.

Holistic Financial Planning: Fee-based advisors often provide comprehensive financial planning services beyond just investment management. This can include retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, and more. By taking a holistic approach to financial planning, fee-based advisors can help clients achieve their long-term financial goals.

Mutual Fund Wrap-Fee Programs
We offer some of the most competitive and recognized mutual fund wrap-fee programs in the industry. Mutual fund wrap-fee programs can offer several benefits to clients:

Simplicity and Convenience: Wrap-fee programs streamline the investment process by consolidating various services, such as investment management, advice, trading, and administrative tasks, into a single fee. This simplicity can save clients time and effort compared to managing multiple accounts and paying separate fees for each service.

Access to Professional Management: Clients in wrap-fee programs typically gain access to professional investment management services provided by experienced advisors or portfolio managers. These professionals make investment decisions on behalf of clients, aiming to achieve their financial goals while considering their risk tolerance and time horizon.

Diversification: Wrap-fee programs often offer diversified investment portfolios composed of mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) across various asset classes and investment styles. This diversification helps spread risk and may provide smoother investment returns over time, potentially reducing the impact of market volatility.

Customization: Despite the standardized fee structure, wrap-fee programs can still offer some level of customization. Advisors may tailor the investment portfolio to suit the client's specific investment goals, risk tolerance, and preferences. This personalized approach can help clients achieve their financial objectives more effectively.

Cost-Effectiveness: For some investors, wrap-fee programs can be cost-effective compared to paying separate fees for investment management, trading, and other services. Depending on the size of the investment portfolio and the services provided, the total cost of the wrap fee may be lower than the combined costs of individual services, especially for clients with larger portfolios.

Transparency and Accountability: Wrap-fee programs typically provide transparency regarding the fees charged and the services offered. Clients receive regular statements and reports detailing their investment performance, fees paid, and any changes made to their portfolio. This transparency helps clients understand what they're paying for and hold their advisors accountable for delivering value.

Holistic Financial Planning: In addition to investment management, many wrap-fee programs offer comprehensive financial planning services. This may include retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, and other aspects of personal finance.

Asset Management Services
Our individually-managed investment program is designed for investors seeking professionally-managed accounts for an all-inclusive fee. You will have access to a range of institutional portfolio managers. These services allow you to receive personalized investment management with a higher level of specialization. The use of individual securities in their portfolios gives clients additional flexibility and more control over their taxes. Our asset management product includes consolidated reporting, custody and safekeeping, ongoing account monitoring, comprehensive quarterly performance reports, automatic fee calculation and fee-billing services. 

Here's how asset management services typically work:

Client Assessment: The process begins with a thorough assessment of the client's financial situation, including their investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, liquidity needs, and any specific preferences or constraints. This assessment helps the asset manager understand the client's unique circumstances and design an investment strategy tailored to their needs.

Investment Strategy Development: Based on the client assessment, the asset manager develops an investment strategy designed to meet the client's financial objectives. This strategy may involve asset allocation, which determines how the client's portfolio will be divided among different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative investments.

Portfolio Construction: The asset manager constructs a portfolio of investments based on the chosen investment strategy. This may involve selecting individual securities (such as stocks and bonds), mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or other investment vehicles. The goal is to build a diversified portfolio that balances risk and return potential according to the client's preferences and objectives.

Ongoing Monitoring and Management: Asset managers continuously monitor the client's portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with their investment strategy and financial goals. They regularly review market conditions, economic trends, and individual investment performance to make informed decisions about portfolio adjustments. This may involve rebalancing the portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation or making tactical adjustments in response to changing market conditions.

Performance Reporting and Communication: Asset managers provide regular performance reports and communicate with clients to keep them informed about their investment progress. This includes detailing the performance of their portfolio, any changes made to the investment strategy, and discussing any relevant market developments or economic trends that may impact their investments. Open communication helps build trust and ensures clients are well-informed about their investment decisions.

Risk Management: Asset managers actively manage risk within the client's portfolio by diversifying investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions. They also employ risk management techniques such as asset allocation, position sizing, and hedging strategies to mitigate potential losses and protect the client's capital.

Client Service and Support: Asset managers provide personalized service and support to clients, addressing their questions, concerns, and financial needs. They serve as trusted advisors, offering guidance and advice on various financial matters beyond just investment management, such as retirement planning, tax optimization, estate planning, and wealth preservation.

Diversification and asset allocation are methods used to help manage investment risk; they do not guarantee a profit or protect against investment loss. Estate planning services provided in conjunction with your licensed legal professional. 

ONIMCO’s advisers provide financial planning services and investment advisory accounts to individuals, families, businesses and other organizations throughout the United States. These advisers draw upon personal experience and education to formulate strategies for unique and personalized plans and strategies. Many ONIMCO advisers hold professional designations, such as the Certified Financial PlannerTM (CFP®), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU). All advisers are required to maintain the Series 6 or Series 7 and may be required to have other licenses or designations as required by various state regulatory guidelines.

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